Reader's Choice Book Club
For the month of July we are reading a biography of a local woman who became well-known as a writer of some note: Marietta Holley: Life with "Josiah Allen's Wife", by author Kate H. Winter. The author writes: "She was called the Female Mark Twain in the popular press, and it was claimed that she had as large an audience as Twain's. From 1873 to 1914 Marietta Holley was one of America's most popular writers, creating one of its most endearing characters - Samantha - and making 'Josiah Allen's Wife' a household phrase....In fact, during the early years of her literary career, there were many who simply did not believe that Josiah Allen's Wife was a woman at all because the humor, satire, and political arguments were so vigorous and shrewd."
Books are now in at Ainsworth Library in Sandy Creek. Please join us for a "rollickin' good discussion" of this interesting work, on Monday, July 25th, at 6 PM. Place TBA.